Cala dei Ginepri

Pittoresca e tutta da scoprire è Ostuni, la Città bianca.
Rinomata meta turistica, Ostuni vanta un borgo medievale meraviglioso,
ricco di stradine e abitazioni imbiancate con la calce in un dedaloche che ricorda una casbah araba.
Una passeggiata nella città vecchia, detta la “terra” per distinguerla dalla più recente “marina”,
regala scorci pittoreschi tra vicoli, ripide scalinate, corti e piazzette
su cui si affacciano case bianche impreziosite da gerani, botteghe artigiane, ristoranti tipici e negozietti.

Puglia, a wonderful place

Ostuni,the White city

Ostuni, the picturesque , white , beautiful city,  a  renowned tourist attraction with much to discover. Ostuni has a beautiful medieval centre and fascinating surrounds - full of byways where the houses are painted with white lime resembling an Arabian casbah. Walking around the medieval city “la terra” (which distinguishes that part from the more modern “marina”)  you will uncover  delightful scenery between winding  steep stairways,  small and secluded walled courts and piazzas decorated by city dwellers with stunning red geraniums and other beautiful plants. You will have fun discovering artisan's workshops, dozens of typical Puglian restaurants and fascinating small individual shops.

Alberobello,the Trulli City

Looking at Alberobello from the air it appears to be a a fairy tale village of hobbit type houses all surrounded by the hills of Murgia.    Its famous trulli are extraordinary houses built entirelywith stone, Alberobello is a UNESCO  World Heritage site and  has a vast historical value.    It is listed by UNESCO  as a remarkable example of natural architecture within an urban landscape.   The older area of Rione Monti  in Alberobello has more than 1000 Trulli and the narrow twisting streets of the area need to be investigated on foot , so strong walking shoes are recommended!

Polignano a Mare, the Pearl of the Adriatic Sea

Crystal clear water borders Polignano City. It is known as “the pearl of the Adriatic sea”, with  its crystal clear and clean water it is an ideal place to practice your swimming and diving skills.    The beautiful historic City Centre perches over the Adriatic sea. Polignano a Mare is also known as  “Domenico Modugno’s city” and for years has been the popular  destination of foreign tourists. The Cala Porto beach is particulary beautiful, famous for its white pebbles and  turquoise sea. Additionally there is an amazing boat tour available to the caves near  Cala Porto.

Locorotondo, the Puglia’s balcony

Locorotondo is registered on the Italian Touring Club list as one of the most beatiful cities in Italy and has been awarded the ITC’s “Orange Flag”. Its lovely ancient centre is exceptional  and has a unique  perfect circular shape. Walking in the old city you will find yourself in a labyrinth of alleys and squares set among white-washed  houses and fabulous churches of considerable value. Locorotondo is also famous for its typical Puglian restaurants which serve traditional Apulian food.

Castellana Grotte, the city of caves

The most recent history of the city of Castellana Grotte is linked to the discovery  of fabulous caves covering a huge spectacular area which attracts thousands of visitors every year.   The tour itinerary is made up of an underground walk of about 3 km with the initial climb downwards  on a wide pathway to a depth of 70 metres. Its underground routes , canyons and passages will show you fantastic stalagmites and stalactites with brilliant and stunning colours and shapes. Among the many sights the most marvellous of the caves has been named the “White Cave” as it is considered to be the world’s greatest example of a cave splendidly opulent in the pureness of its white alabaster.  

Cisternino, the city of eno-gastronomy

Cisternino sits on top of one of the highest hills of the Apulian Murge and is stunningly white. Walking around the narrow winding paths in its very old centre you will easily be enchanted by its prettiness and its wonderful balconies packed and  overflowing with colourful flowers. Cisternino’s cuisine is famous and it it is widely known across Puglia as the city of food and wine,  it is particularly famous in its respect for the regional culinary traditions and for two meat specialities: (a) “the bombette” which are rolls of meat stuffed and then grilled and the  (b) “gnummarieddhu" which are rolls of  lamb’s entrails, seasoned with salt, pepper, parsley and then grilled.

Martina Franca, discovering the baroque

Martina Franca city is located on the South-eastern side of Murgia it is defined as the “Capital of Valle d’Itria”. The city is  characterized by an elegant  and historically important centre which is rich in baroque and rococò style buildings.   One of the most important  and fabulous  buildings in the town is the church  “Collegiata di San Martino”  which with its wonderful facade was built between 1747 and 1775 . Whilst walking around the city - don’t forget to taste Martina Franca’s famous meat dish “capocollo”  this  is one of the most typical types of salami  to be found in the Murgia of the Trulli.

Fasano, Egnazia and The Safari Zoo

The City of  Fasano and its panoramic countryside is characterized by beautiful scenery which can be viewed across the region , right out to the sea-coast. Of particular and significant importance is Egnazia with its fascinating archeological site, plus  its absorbing museum, both  located on the coast of the city. The Zoo Safari, is the biggest wild-life park in Italy – extending  across 140 hectares, it reigns supreme in biodiversity. The zoo is completely encircled by a natural environment  and animals of all species can be observed living in liberty. Within the 140 hectares there is also a large theme park.

Regional Natural Reserve
Dune Costiere

The park with its numerous  natural habitats and its vast arable landscape is a leader in the project relating to the protection of biological crops, and centuries-old olive groves.    The via Traiana is an important archaeological site with  years of historical and cultural importance including  the historic masserie, the  hypogeum olive-press, the lamie, rock settlements, accommodation facilities and also companies that use the park’s logo.  The  inhabited centre is complex and strongly maintains values which continue to be protected and promoted.   You can discover more by surfing on:

Cala dei Ginepri

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